Tyrine Jamella Pagan

Tyrine Jamella Pangan

Tyrine Jamella Pagan


BS in Software Engineering, Arizona State University (Polytechnic), 2018


Tyrine is pursuing a PhD in STEM Education. She received a BS in Software Engineering from Arizona State University. During her undergraduate career, she worked as a research assistant for the NSF-funded CAREER grant: Engineering Design Across Navajo Culture, Community, and Society. Her work focused primarily on qualitative research to help develop culturally-contextualized engineering design curriculum modules for middle schools in the Navajo Nation. She had the opportunity to work with partners from the Navajo Nation Department of Diné Education and spent several summers as a teaching assistant for summer STEAM Machine camps on the Navajo reservation where students learned the Engineering Design Process through the building of Rube Goldberg machines. Tyrine was drawn to Tufts for its interdisciplinary approach to engineering education and outreach. She was especially interested in the ConnecTions project and Dr. Kristen Wendell's previous work with Community Based Engineering (CBE). Outside of academia, Tyrine enjoys bullet journaling, modern calligraphy, playing video games (Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Fire Emblem), and watching musicals.

CEEO Responsibilities:
Tyrine is a graduate research assistant for Kristen Wendell.

Selected Publications and Presentations