G.R. Marvez

G. R. Marvez

G.R. Marvez


BS in Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020
MS in Comparative Media Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022


Marvez is a PhD student in the joint STEM Education and Cognitive Sciences program at Tufts University interested in games, language, and controversial discussions. At MIT, Marvez worked in the Teaching Systems Lab with Dr. Justin Reich and Dr. Joshua Littenberg-Tobias on the development of virtual simulations for teachers to practice leading controversial discussions. They are interested in ways to prepare teachers to facilitate controversial debates with students in STEM classrooms, such as through simulations and games, on topics such as genetic modification, climate change, and public infrastructure. Marvez has also worked on the development of natural language processing models for assessment and personalized feedback in educational settings.

At Tufts, Marvez works with McDonnell Family Assistant Professor Greses Pérez in the CEEO on the development of engineering board games for multilingual students in culturally relevant contexts. Marvez is currently developing a game that allows students to redesign the transit system of Boston to fit their communities’ needs. Marvez also helps teach an after school engineering program for 4th through 6th grade multilingual students at a Boston elementary school. Outside of research, Marvez is interested in video games (Geoguessr, Minecraft, Mini Motorways), Dungeons and Dragons, and digital art.