Magee Shaloub

Magee Shalhoub

200 Boston Avenue, Suite G810
Medford, MA
Magee Shaloub


BS in Sociology, Suffolk University


Magee Shalhoub (she/her series), Program Administrator for CEEO, graduated from Suffolk University receiving her BS in Sociology. During college, Magee was in the Sociology Tutoring Program tutoring students in concepts of Sociology. After graduating, Magee worked as an Administrative Assistant at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston. Her responsibilities included assisting in the development of systems to improve communication and organization with each Club.

In December 2008, Magee joined the CEEO team as a Staff Assistant.

CEEO Responsibilities:
Magee leads the daily operational tasks and processes for the CEEO. She supports 5 research assistant and associate faculty of CEEO in pre- and post-grant management. Magee manages roughly 15 government/industry grants and 30 gifts/cost recovery/operational accounts. She orchestrates the development of new cost recovery programs within Tufts. Some of these programs include Teacher Engineering Education Program, Engineering Design Lab, and Engineering Investigators. Magee is responsible for creating new procedures and implementing them within CEEO. She develops and executes CEEO communication and marketing through email campaigns and social media content. She also serves on the CEEO DEIJ committee in order to develop an action plan to support CEEO’s mission of becoming an antiracist organization.

Magee likes to stay connected with the Tufts community in order to help make connections amongst other Tufts staff. Committees at Tufts that Magee has served on over the years include, Action Planning Committee, Eco Ambassadors, SOE Staff Life Committee (founder), Distinction Award Selection Committee, AS&E Feedback Committee, SOE Risk Assessment Committee, and CEEO DEIJ Committee.

In 2021, Magee completed the Tufts Manager Certificate Program and is also a Tufts Zoom Ambassador. Magee has won 2 Tufts Distinction Awards, one as a “Unsung Hero” and another one as a team award for CEEO Operations with Lynne Ramsey and Alison Blanchard.